U.S. Citizens Petition For Special Prosecutor

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bush Had 2 Prisoners Waterboarded 263 Times

The Bush Administration Tortured One Suspect 183 Times In March 2003

(1/3): "The CIA used the waterboard 'at least 83 times during August 2002' in the (torture) of (Abu) Zubaydah and 183 times during March 2003 in the (torture) of KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed)."

READ (2/3): "That would average out," points out Rachel Maddow, "to six (6) times a day, every day, for thirty-one (31) days.

READ (3/3): "That revelation (...) calls into question everything we have been told about the justification for torture in the first place. Every time you hear waterboarding was used 'sparingly', think: 'six times a day, every day, for a month.' Every time you hear that it was used as a 'last resort', think: 'six times a day, every day, for a month.' Every time you hear that torture is 'effective', think to yourself: 'They (used) it on two guys 266 times? Because... what? It didn't work the first 265 times? That's how 'effective' this is?'"

WATCH (1/1): "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Waterboardeded 183 Times In One Month"

LINK (1/1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZsKhMIWWOU

POINT (1/1): America is bound to (i.e., must) prosecute all government officials, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, et al., responsible for the authorization of torture and commission of other war crimes.

Condoleeza Rice's "Number One" Denounces Torture

Astonishing Bush Administration Insider Perspective

READ (1/3)
The former counsellor at the State Department, trusted advisor and deputy to then-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and former executive director of the 9/11 Commission, Phillip Zelikow, read the infamous (then secret) torture memoranda in 2005.

READ (2/3): Zelikow told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on April 21, 2009, "the legal reasoning seemed deeply unsound to me (...) and so I thought it was important to just say, 'Hey, there's another
view here!' (...) America has fought a number of wars in our history, including against unconventional enemies. This was an interrogation program, however, for which there is no precedent in the history of the United States. We've never done a program like this before."

READ (3/3): In a recent contribution to Foreign Policy magazine, Zelikow wrote "
the White House attempted to collect and destroy all copies of my memo."

WATCH (1/2):
"Rachel Maddow - former Rice confidant Philip Zelikow on the torture memos, part 1"

Part One: "I looked at their point of view and it didn't strike me as a mainstream or reasonable way of construing the relevant standards of treatment, of the definition of terms like 'cruel', 'inhuman' or 'degrading'. They were using an interpretation of how to comply with that standard that I didn't think any judges or lawyers outside the administration would find plausible."

LINK (1/2):

WATCH (2/2): "Rachel Maddow - former Rice confidant Philip Zelikow on the torture memos, part 2"

Part Two: "It was my job to fight this with every ounce of energy at my disposal using the legal means in front of me."

LINK (2/2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOy1YZ1acQg