READ (1/3): "The CIA used the waterboard 'at least 83 times during August 2002' in the (torture) of (Abu) Zubaydah and 183 times during March 2003 in the (torture) of KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed)."
READ (2/3): "That would average out," points out Rachel Maddow, "to six (6) times a day, every day, for thirty-one (31) days.
READ (3/3): "That revelation (...) calls into question everything we have been told about the justification for torture in the first place. Every time you hear waterboarding was used 'sparingly', think: 'six times a day, every day, for a month.' Every time you hear that it was used as a 'last resort', think: 'six times a day, every day, for a month.' Every time you hear that torture is 'effective', think to yourself: 'They (used) it on two guys 266 times? Because... what? It didn't work the first 265 times? That's how 'effective' this is?'"
WATCH (1/1): "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Waterboardeded 183 Times In One Month"

LINK (1/1):
POINT (1/1): America is bound to (i.e., must) prosecute all government officials, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, et al., responsible for the authorization of torture and commission of other war crimes.
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